How can training improve my overall safety performance?
Research shows that for every one dollar that is invested in safety training, most trucking companies can expect a return on investment of three dollars. Let us help your business realize the benefits of such an investment. Transportation Risk Management Solutions Inc. offers a variety of training courses and Corporate Services each designed to meet the unique needs of your trucking operations and improve your profitability.
One-on-one consultation
To help you build your customized training plan, we will provide a dedicated Loss Prevention Consultant assigned specifically to your business. Your Loss Prevention Consultant works with you to help you identify your unique challenges and opportunities, and can suggest training priorities or other solutions.
Why choose Transportation Risk Management Solutions Inc.?
Transportation Risk’s Loss Prevention Consultants provide a wide range of Training Courses and Corporate Services designed specifically for the Canadian and U.S. transportation industry. Courses are delivered with effective theory and practical components, and are available at your convenience at our specialized training facility, your location, or a location of your choice. In addition to the current course offerings listed on this web site, Transportation Risk Management Solutions Inc. will custom-build a training program to match your unique needs.
Start receiving your return-on-investment
Let TRMS help save your organization money. To find out more about how TRMS can support your training needs and reduce the risks associated with-in our industry, contact your Loss Prevention Consultant at 1-905-898-9167. Speak with our consultant and start the process in developing an action plan to reduce and eliminate risk.